Other Aid

http://www.sfa.ufl.edu/searchhttp://www.sfa.ufl.edu/searchSFA Scholarship Search Engine

SFA maintains a comprehensive online database of scholarships and financial aid offered by organizations that are not affiliated with the University of Florida. Our http://www.sfa.ufl.edu/searchhttp://www.sfa.ufl.edu/searchScholarship Search Engine allows students to search for outside aid administered by many civic, corporate, and private organizations. Students looking for outside aid should choose “Is Not a UF Scholarship” under the “Scholarship Type” term.

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Alternative Ways to Pay

The following organizations have recently provided applications to SFA for posting. Each agency handles its own application and selection procedures. We cannot guarantee results from the agencies listed here, or that each scholarship and loan is still available.

* For items with asterisks in this section you may contact SFA’s Resource Center in S-107 Criser Hall to see if applications are available, since these organizations sometimes provide forms to us during their main application period.

  • *AmeriCorps, Corporation for National and Community Service, 1201 New York Avenue N.W., Washington, DC 20525, 1 (800) 942-2677 ext.7, 1 (800) 833-3722 (TDD), Web: http://www.americorps.govwww.americorps.gov.
    Americorps is a national service program that provides education awards in exchange for a year or two of community service. After completing a year of service (at least 1,700 hours), students receive an education award of $4,725. This award can be used to help pay off student loans or to finance college, graduate school, or vocational training. Applications are available online at the above Web site.
  • Cooperative Education (Co-op), Career Connections Center, 1st Floor, Reitz Union, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, (352) 392-1601, Web: https://career.ufl.edu/gain-experience/why-experience-changes-everything/https://career.ufl.edu/gain-experience/why-experience-changes-everything/.
    Cooperative Education (Co-op) is an off-campus work program that blends classroom learning with paid practical work experience, providing structured, progressive work experience through multiple semesters of work. Three semesters of full-time Co-op work experience or six semesters of part-time work are required for undergraduate engineering students; two semesters of full-time work or four semesters of part-time work are required for graduate students and undergraduates in non-engineering majors. The primary purpose of the program is to provide students with career-related, professional work experience.
  • Florida Prepaid College Board, P. O. Box 6448, Tallahassee, FL 32314-6448; http://www.myfloridaprepaid.com/www.myfloridaprepaid.com/. The Florida Prepaid College Plan locks in the cost of college tuition, local fees, and dormitory housing at today’s prices, guaranteed. The Florida College Investment Plan is a new, affordable way to save for college with a wide range of investment options and tax benefits. You can use the money for any qualified college expense, at most any college in the country. Call 1 (800) 552-GRAD; or visit the Web site.
  • *United States Peace Corps, UF Campus Recruiter; UF International Center, 411 Peabody Hall (352) 392-6783; mailto:peacecorps@ufic.ufl.edupeacecorps@ufic.ufl.edu; (800) 424-8580; https://www.ufic.ufl.edu/PeaceCorps/BenefitsofService.htmlwww.cals.ufl.edu/globalgators/peacecorps/index.html. Two years of service in the Peace Corps can significantly reduce a portion of students’ college loan debt. Fifteen percent of the volunteer’s Perkins loan, including interest, is canceled for each of the first and second years of service. Students must be U.S. citizens 18 years of age to qualify.

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Private Scholarships & Loans

Many civic, corporate, and private organizations offer students awards based on place of residence, background, professional affiliation, academic achievement, or intended field of study. Lists of private aid can also be found in public and university libraries, high school guidance offices, and at bookstores.

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Free Scholarship Search Services

Beware of Scholarship Scams

If you must pay money to get money, it might be a scam. Every year there are a few scams based on imitations of legitimate foundations, scholarship sponsors, lenders, and scholarship search companies. Consult http://www.finaid.org/ The Financial Aid Information Page (FINAID) on the web for good advice on identifying scams.


The University of Florida (UF) provides free access to this service, which searches a database of scholarships, fellowships, grants, and loans. fastWEB creates a private mail box in your name, compares your information to awards available, and compiles a list of awards in your mailbox. The search takes five to 15 minutes and is updated daily. fastWEB works for students in all disciplines, from freshmen to post-doctoral candidates. http://www.fastweb.com Go to Fastweb.

College Board Online Scholarship Search (also, EXPAN)

The College Board’s FUND FINDER scholarship database, also known as ExPAN, lists scholarships and other types of financial aid programs from national, state, public, and private sources. The database, updated annually, is derived from The Scholarship Handbook published by the College Board. http://apps.collegeboard.com/cbsearch_ss/welcome.jsp Go to the College Board Scholarship Search.

Federal Emergency Funding

Federal Emergency Aid Grants

The University of Florida was allocated funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP), Public Law 117-2. We are not expecting to receive additional funds in the 2022-23 academic year.  More information on Federal Emergency Grants.

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